question:Add spaces between the words in the following text: NEW–Logmultiplesessionsorlogdatacontinuouslyforover200hours.Thisisusefulforcharacterizingtheperformanceofadesignorforunattendedmonitoring.
answer:Ok little buddy, let me add spaces so it's easier to understand: New - Log multiple sessions or log data continuously for over 200 hours. This is useful for characterizing the performance of a design or for unattended monitoring. There you go! Now you can see each word and it's much easier to read.
question:Question: Please answer the following question about this movie plot. If it's un-answerable, please output "No answer". Question: Who is the Doctor's new neighbor? Movie plot title: Dracula Movie plot: The drama begins in an asylum in Whitby, England. A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr. Seward, referring to the guest of honorâCount Draculaâas "Master." Moments later he insists he does not know the Count and is led back to his cell. In conversation, it emerges the Count is sensitive to sunlight, has only recently arrived from abroad, and that Seward's fiancee Lucy finds him fascinating. Dr. Van Helsing comes to consult on the case, and manages to hypnotize the patient, so he recounts in flashback events in Transylvania, including an attack by Dracula's brides. Denholm Elliott and Susan George Lucy, meanwhile, greets her old friend Mina Harker, who is distraught over the disappearance of her husband, Jonathan. She is puzzled when Dracula insists that Harker left unharmed months ago. Later, the mysterious patient catches sight of Mina and calls her by name. He is the missing Jonathan Harker. Dracula visits Lucy at night, feeding on her blood and forcing the two doctors to perform a blood transfusion. Van Helsing recognizes the signs of a vampire attack, but at first refrains from explaining this to Seward. When he does, the English scientist balks, but later comes to suspect Count Dracula of being the vampire. Despite Helsing's efforts, Dracula controls Mrs. Weston to remove the garlic from Lucy's bed. Through Harker, they find out Dracula has attacked her. By the time they get back, it's too late, Lucy dies and begins turning into a vampire. Lucy is soon buried and Mina goes to pay her respects to her grave. Mina sees Lucy, unaware she is now a vampire, who insists she is happy and ecstatic, offering her the same "joy" as she bites her friend. Lucy vanishes and Dracula appears, offering Mina a chance to be one of the "elect." Meanwhile, Van Helsing proves to Seward that Lucy has risen from the grave and drives a wooden stake through her heart. Now they focus on finding the vampire's sleeping place. Realizing Harker is under Dracula's power and that... Answer:
answer:Count Dracula
question:Generate a question that has the following answer: White Bitch for the following movie plot: Four orphans each receive a Golden Ticket, each via a different film "parody" - Lucy (The Da Vinci Code), Edward (Nacho Libre), Susan (Snakes on a Plane) and Peter (X-Men trilogy). This ticket entitles them to visit the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). Willy tells the kids that the secret ingredient in his chocolate is human parts, and he plans to keep the orphans in his factory to use them for his chocolate. He succeeds in getting the ingredients, which includes Lucy's sweet "heart", Edward's "peanuts", Peter's "surprise" tooth and Susan's lemon "head" to the tune of 'Fergalicious'. He then brands Peter's backside and locks the orphans in an old room, where they bemoan the lunacy of their captor. Soon, they hear Willy looking for them, and all rush to find a place to hide. Lucy runs to a room with a wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and after a series of items fall on her, including a live woman, she climbs inside to find a snowy forest. When her tongue gets stuck to a pole (A Christmas Story), half-man half-goat Mr. Tumnus arrives to help her.He welcomes Lucy to "Gnarnia" by showing her around his home (as a "parody" of Cribs) and introducing her to a rapping Kanye West-lookalike brother and several goat-women. When Lucy expresses gratitude to his friendship, he gives her a spy-secured camera, which painfully scans her retina before playing a film that warned her of the grave danger she is in (Mission Impossible III). Back at the Chocolate Factory, Edward follows Lucy through the closet to Gnarnia and is nearly hit by a fast sleigh with a license plate (Tokyo Drift). Onboard is the White Bitch, whom Edward calls "Stifler's Mom..." (American Pie series). She convinces him to trap the other orphans. Eventually everyone makes his or her way to Mr. Tumnus' house, where the orphans discover a clue in a painting of the Last Supper that lead them to learning that they are all related to one another, and that the White Bitch killed their... A:
answer:In the film parody where four orphans each receive a Golden Ticket and find themselves in Gnarnia, who is the villainous character that Edward encounters, and ultimately convinces him to trap the other orphans?
question:Question: what was the death toll of the japan tsunami 2011?? Answer:
answer:The death toll of the Japan tsunami in 2011 was about 15,000 people. This means that around 15,000 people lost their lives when big waves from the ocean came onto the land and caused lots of destruction. It was a very sad and tragic event that happened in Japan.