question:Q:Question: What were the group of natives preparing to sacrifice? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: King Kong Context: In the Indonesian port city of Surabaya, Fred Wilson, a spokesman and promotions specialist for a huge oil conglomerate, Petrox, is preparing a voyage aboard one of the corporation's exploration ships. As the ship sets sail, a stowaway steals on to the boat and hides under the canvas cover of a life boat.The ship makes its way through the stormy south Indian Ocean. Wilson gathers the crew for a meeting to tell them where they're going, saying he couldn't risk telling them anything until they were far out of port. Wilson shows them a pair of photographs of an innocuous fog bank. One picture was taken in the 1940s by a US Navy vessel. The second was taken a few weeks prior to their departure from Surabaya. Wilson also shares another photo, this one taken by a US satellite that went off course and was armed with spectrographic instruments. The readings from the satellite, explained by Wilson's geologist, show that an island may exist behind the fog bank and that it may have petroleum deposits on it. Wilson is very excited, believing that, with the oil and gas shortage causing economic problems for Petrox back in the States, that the island will be a rich source of oil for the company.At that moment the meeting is interrupted by the same man who stowed away in the life boat. The stranger identifies himself as Jeff Prescott, a paleo-primatologist, who had snuck aboard the ship specifically because it was going to the island. He talks about the island's other secret: that a large beast inhabits the island, is the dominate life form there and is worshipped as a god by the local native tribe. Jeff also talks about a strange wedding ritual the natives follow to placate the beast; that a beautiful woman must be "wed" to it to satisfy it's temper.Wilson believes Jeff is a spy and orders him detained until they can run a check on his credentials. While they lead him away on the main deck, Jeff spots a life raft floating some distance away. When the raft is salvaged, they find a beautiful blond woman unconscious, but... A:
answer:Insufficient information to provide an answer.
question:Question: What is the answer for the question: What country did Gil González Dávila intend to explore? from the following article ? Gil González Dávila set out from the Caribbean island of Hispaniola early in 1524, with the intention of exploring the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. His course took him to the north coast of Honduras. After founding Puerto de Caballos, Gil Gónzalez sailed west along the coast to the Amatique Bay, and founded a Spanish settlement somewhere near the Dulce River, within modern-day Guatemala, which he named San Gil de Buena Vista. He launched a campaign of conquest in the mountainous region dividing Honduras from Guatemala. González left some of his men under the command of Francisco Riquelme at San Gil de Buena Vista, and sailed back east along the coast to Honduras. The colonists at San Gil did not prosper, and soon set out in search of a more hospitable location. They resettled in the important indigenous town of Nito, near the mouth of the Dulce River. Although they were in a desperate state, and near-starving, they were still there when Cortés passed through en route to Honduras, and were absorbed into his expedition.The Dominicans established themselves in Xocolo on the shore of Lake Izabal in the mid-16th century. Xocolo became infamous among the Dominican missionaries for the practice of witchcraft by its inhabitants. By 1574 it was the most important staging post for European expeditions into the interior, and it remained important in that role until as late as 1630, although it was abandoned in 1631.In 1598 Alfonso Criado de Castilla became governor of the Captaincy General of Guatemala. Owing to the poor state of Puerto de Caballos on the Honduran coast and its exposure to repeated pirate raids he sent a pilot to scout Lake Izabal. As a result of the survey, and after royal permission was granted, Criado de Castilla ordered the construction of a new port, named Santo Tomás de Castilla, at a favourable spot on the Amatique Bay not far from the lake. Work then began on building a highway from the port to the new capital of the colony, modern Antigua Guatemala, following the Motagua Valley into the... Answer:
answer:The answer to the question: What country did Gil González Dávila intend to explore? is Nicaragua. In the article, it is mentioned that "Gil González Dávila set out from the Caribbean island of Hispaniola early in 1524, with the intention of exploring the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua."
question:You are given a statement written in Bengali. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement . Output the word from the correct option . Q: Statement: ২০১২ সালের ২০ মে, লাভেজ্জি নাপোলির হয়ে প্রথম শিরোপা জিতেন। কোপা ইতালিয়ার ফাইনালে <MASK> বিপক্ষে তারা ২–০ ব্যবধানে জয় লাভ করে। খেলা চলাকালীন সময়ে জুভেন্টাস গোলরক্ষক মার্কো স্তোরারি পেনাল্টি বক্সের ভেতরে লাভেজ্জিকে ফাউল করলে, নাপোলির পক্ষে পেনাল্টি দেওয়া হয়, যেখান থেকে গোল করে কাভানি দলকে ১–০ গোলে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যান। ২০ বছরেরও বেশি সময় পর এটি ছিল নাপোলির প্রথম শিরোপা। Option A: ব্রাজিলের Option B: পোর্তোর Option C: জুভেন্টাসের Option D: অস্ট্রেলিয়ার A:
answer:Part #1: Understanding the given statement in Bengali. Usage: The sample statement here describes a particular incident from a match during the 2012 season where Napoli won its first title against Juventus. The victory was with a score difference of 2-0 and that a goal was scored by Cavani from Napoli after Juventus's goalkeeper, Marco Storari, fouled Napoli in the penalty box. This was the first title for Napoli after over 20 years. The word for Juventus in Bengali is "জুভেন্টাস". This implies that the statement is about a sports event. Part #2: Identifying the <MASK> token in the statement. Usage: The segment that needs to be replaced is denoted by <MASK>. In this question, <MASK> is mentioned in a context where it should be replaced by the name of the opponent team of Napoli. Part #3: Choosing the most logical word from the given 4 options to replace the <MASK> token. Usage: Based on the given options, only Option C: জুভেন্টাসের (Juventus's) makes sense to replace the <MASK> since the sentence is speaking about a match where Juventus is the opponent team. The other options such as Option A: ব্রাজিলের (Brazil's), Option B: পোর্তোর (Porto's) and Option D: অস্ট্রেলিয়ার (Australia's) would not fit logically in the given context of the statement. Part #4: Output the word from the correct option. Usage: The correct word to replace <MASK> in the given context is Option C: জুভেন্টাসের (Juventus's) as per the historical context and opposition team in the match.
question:click here to see all patterns from yarn group c, where drops brushed alpaca silk can be used. Capitalize this past sentence correctly.
answer:Click here to see all patterns from Yarn Group C, where Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk can be used. Step 1: Start the sentence with a capital letter. In this case, "click" becomes "Click." Step 2: Capitalize proper nouns, in this case "Yarn Group C," and "Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk". Step 3: Ensure that all other words follow standard capitalization rules, which they do in this sentence.