question:I am trying to decide whether it's worth it to invest in this film proposal. Can you help me answer a few questions? If you can't, please say "No I can't". Question: Why did Cindy leave her family? Movie title: Up the Yangtze Movie plot: This movie might be called Up the Yangzte without a paddle. or The Good Earth 2007Father leads a poor family that squats near the river in a handbuilt shack. He no longer has steady work since the coming of the massive 3 gorges dam that will soon flood his modest home and farm. At least his family has good food from his little field. Daughter can't go on to college because they have no money, so she will work on the cruise boats that go up and down the river with foreign tourists. At first, she struggles and cries, but her supervisors assures her it will get better. Management says that they must train this generation, mostly single children to serve other people. One boy from a rich family finds he can get massive tips from tourists, but his workmates shun him as arrogant, and at the end he is sacked because he does not care enough about his customers or co-workers who say he carries himself like a movie star, not someone who show up to work. Finally the river reaches the house, and father has to move massive pieces of furniture up the riverbank to the ramp by himself with no help, and they push their belongings to new assigned housing, but he despairs he now has to pay for water and food. Tourists are shown how well the relocated families are doing, they have TV and air conditioning, but a shopkeeper breaks down in tears explaining how he was beaten because he did not have enough money to bribe the SOB officials that forced him to move away, and father finally gets a tour of the massive dam that has so affected his life, perhaps the best for china, but he can't see how it is doing his family any favors. Answer:
answer:Cindy, the daughter, leaves her family to work on the cruise boats that go up and down the Yangtze River. She is unable to go to college because her family cannot afford it. Working on the cruise boats provides her with an opportunity to financially support her family during the difficult times they are facing due to the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. The dam is forcing them to leave their river-side home and farm, which has led to her father losing his steady work. Cindy's decision to work on the cruise boats is her attempt to help her family financially and adapt to the changes occurring in their lives due to the dam project.
question:Please answer the following question: I know that the answer to the question "If I someone needs emergency relief what service could benefit them?" is in "African Presbyterian churches often incorporate diaconal ministries, including social services, emergency relief, and the operation of mission hospitals. A number of partnerships exist between presbyteries in Africa and the PC(USA), including specific connections with Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Ghana and Zambia. For example, the Lackawanna Presbytery, located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, has a partnership with a presbytery in Ghana. Also the Southminster Presbyterian Church, located near Pittsburgh, has partnerships with churches in Malawi and Kenya. The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, western Africa is also healthy and strong in mostly the southern states of this nation, strong density in the south-eastern states of this country. Beginning from Cross River state, the nearby coastal states, Rivers state, Lagos state to Ebonyi and Abia States. The missionary expedition of Mary Slessor and Hope Waddel and their group in the mid 18th century in this coastal regions of the ten British colony has brought about the beginning and the flourishing of this church in these areas.". Can you tell me what it is? A:
answer:Yes, I can provide the answer to the question, "If someone needs emergency relief, what service could benefit them?" based on the information provided. The given context mentions that African Presbyterian churches often incorporate diaconal ministries, which include social services, emergency relief, and the operation of mission hospitals. Therefore, one relevant service that could benefit someone in need of emergency relief would be the diaconal ministries within African Presbyterian churches. These ministries could provide access to resources like social services, emergency aid, and mission hospitals for people facing emergencies or crises.
question:Please answer the following question: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: Who does Thespis suggests goes down to earth in disguise to mingle and judge for themselves what people think of them? ? Scene: A Ruined Temple on the Summit of Mount Olympus On Mount Olympus, the elderly deities complain of feeling old and lament their waning influence on Earth. Mercury complains that the older gods are lazy and leave all their duties to him, while he gets no credit for all his drudgery. Jupiter says that matters have reached a crisis, but he is unsure what can be done about it. Just then, the gods see a swarm of mortals ascending the mountain and withdraw to observe them from a distance. Thespis's acting company enters for a picnic celebrating the marriage of two of its members, Sparkeion and Nicemis. The actors, being cheap, have failed to contribute substantial food items to the picnic. Sparkeion flirts with his former fiancée, Daphne, which annoys Nicemis. In retaliation, Nicemis flirts with her old suitor, Thespis, but he declines to flirt back. Thespis explains to his troupe that a successful manager must be aloof from those he manages, or he will lose his authority. Jupiter, Mars and Apollo enter. All of the actors flee in terror, except for Thespis. Jupiter asks Thespis whether he is impressed with the father of the gods. Thespis replies that the gods are unimpressive and suggests that they go down to earth in disguise to "mingle" and judge for themselves what people think of them. They agree to invest the actors with their powers, as they take a merry holiday below on Earth. Thespis agrees that he and his company will keep things running on Mount Olympus during the gods' absence. Each actor takes the place of one of the gods, with Thespis himself replacing Jupiter. Mercury stays behind to offer any advice the actors may need. Answer:
answer:Thespis suggests that Jupiter and the other gods, including Mars and Apollo, should go down to earth in disguise to mingle and judge for themselves what people think of them. This enables the gods to better understand their waning influence on Earth and how they are viewed by the mortals. Thespis and his acting company, in turn, agree to take on the gods' roles and responsibilities on Mount Olympus during the gods' absence, with Thespis himself replacing Jupiter to oversee the tasks and duties. Mercury stays behind to provide advice and assistance to the actors as needed.
question:Lpíš na věcech. Translate this to English?
answer:Alright, little buddy! This phrase is in Czech and says "Lpíš na věcech." When we translate it to English, it means "You stick to things." It's like saying someone is really good at focusing on and staying committed to a task or an activity. Nice, huh?