question:A slick romanticizing of the sexual exploitation of NewOrleans black women by white men of power and privilege. Ooh. Does that whet your appetite? Well, then, belly up to a VHS or DVD and gorge on this gratuitous trolling through a seamy segment of history. For good measure, it's adapted from the book by celebrated hack Anne Rice. The directing is as cloying and melodramatic as the cheesy dialog. Most of acting is amateurish. The production's sole worthwhile note is that it employed practically a dozen black actors, all of whom have scarcely been in employed in today's market (Jasmine Guy, Ben Vereen, Pam Grier, Eartha Kitt), including some faces that have barely been seen at all (Bianca Lawson, Rachel Cuttrell). It also is, despite itself, a sterling showcase for Nicole Lyn. The pompous and ponderous James Earl Jones is on-hand as well. So, is the late Ossie Davis, a minimal talent who owes his success to having been affiliated with the legendary Negro Ensemble Company. This film should be rated "T" for tripe. Would you say this review is positive or negative? Choose from: *negative; *positive;
answer:This review is negative. The reviewer is critical of the film's adaptation, directing, dialogue, and acting. They also describe it as "gratuitous trolling," "cloying and melodramatic," "tripe," and employing a "celebrated hack" author. Although the reviewer acknowledges the presence of notable black actors, they seem to indicate that the film falls short in many areas. Additionally, they mention the rating "T" for tripe, which suggests a strong negative opinion.
question:This is a correct answer to the following question about Bevo. Yes or no? Answer: Irving Berlin included a paean to the drink, "You Can't Stay Up on Bevo", in his 1917 army revue, Yip Yip Yaphank . Question: what is bevo in text terms The answer to this question is:
answer:Bevo, in text terms, refers to a non-alcoholic malt beverage that was popular in the early 20th century. It was marketed as a temperance drink and produced by the Anheuser-Busch company. Irving Berlin did indeed include a song about Bevo, titled "You Can't Stay Up on Bevo", in his 1917 army revue, Yip Yip Yaphank.
question:Detailed Instructions: Given a factoid/trivia type question, generate the topic of the question. The topic is the entity the question talks about. Problem:Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis starred as Madeline Maddie Hayes and David Addison in which TV series (1985 to 1989) that revolved around cases investigated by Blue Moon Detective Agency? Solution:
answer:To come up with the answer, the focus should be on identifying the main subject of the question, which is the TV series involving the characters played by Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis. This TV series also features a detective agency called Blue Moon Detective Agency, which is central to their investigations. The information provided includes the time frame (1985-1989) and the main characters' names (Madeline "Maddie" Hayes and David Addison). These details help narrow down the possible TV show. Using these pieces of information and context, the topic of the question is the TV series in which Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis starred together, called "Moonlighting."
question:Do these two sentences from wikipedia have the same meaning? Love on the Line is the name of a Crazy Penis album , which was released in 2008 and was only produced in Australia . Love on the Line is the name of a Crazy Penis album produced in 2008 , released only in Australia . OPTIONS: 1. no. 2. yes. The answer is:
answer:2. yes. Both sentences convey the same information about the album "Love on the Line" by Crazy Penis. The essential details include the album's name, the artist, the year of production (2008), and its limited availability in Australia. However, the sentences are structured differently, with the first sentence presenting the information in a more sequential manner, while the second sentence is a more succinct version with slightly different phrasing. Despite these differences in sentence structure and word choice, the meanings of the two sentences are essentially the same.