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question:Cult of the Cobra is now available on DVD in a pristine print that does full justice to whatever merits it has as a movie. Unfortunately, that is not saying much. It has a competent cast of second-rankers that acquit themselves as well as could be expected under the circumstances. It is efficiently directed, entirely on sound stages and standing sets on the studio backlot. It looks OK, but is ponderously over-plotted and at a scant 80 minutes it is still heavily padded. For example, the double cobra attack on the first of the GIs was surely one attack too many. The business about Julia choosing to marry Pete rather than Tom never amounts to anything. Tom immediately falls in love with Lisa and she never has any reason to be jealous of Julia (nor is she). Julia's 'feminine intuition' is introduced as if it is going to lead to an important plot development, but it doesn't. Similarly, Pete's investigation into cobra cults and the suspicion that briefly falls on Tom serve no purpose other than to fill up screen time. These are just symptoms of the underlying problem. The movie is structured like a mystery but it isn't. As soon as the curse is pronounced we know exactly where the story is heading, so the characters are left painstakingly uncovering what we already know. The ending is particularly lame. Julia is menaced purely by accident. Lisa has no reason to want to kill her - she just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. When Tom turns up in the nick of time to save her, it is not even clear whether she was threatened at all. He then simply disposes of the cobra in the way any of the previous victims might have done. It is such an inconsequential little pipsqueak of a story that I found myself wondering how on earth it had been pitched to the studio heads. Then it occurred to me. Someone said: "Those Val Lewton movies were very successful over at RKO, so why don't we make one like that?" Cult of the Cobra is clearly modelled on Cat People: mysterious, troubled, shape-shifting woman falls in love with the hero, is apparently frigid, kills people, arouses the suspicions of the hero's woman friend and dies at the end. But 'modelled on' doesn't mean 'as good as' - by a wide margin. It copies, but doesn't understand what it is copying. It is obviously trying for the low-key, suggestive Lewton style, but this approach doesn't follow through into the story. Lisa is no Irene. She is meant to be strange and mysterious but there is no mystery about her. We get a glimpse of her after the first attack in Asia, so immediately recognise her when she turns up in New York. There is never any doubt about her purpose. Neither is there any ambiguity about whether of not she actually turns into a snake. Then again, during her nocturnal prowling we get, not one, but two attempts at 'buses'. Neither come off, because the director doesn't understand what makes a 'bus' work and, in any case, they happen to the stalker, not the person being stalked. These faint echoes of Cat People give Cult of the Cobra whatever small distinction it might have, but they only draw attention to the yawning gulf between the original and the imitation. Plagiarism may be the sincerest form of flattery, but I doubt if Lewton or Tourneur were particularly flattered when this tepid little time-passer came out. Did this review think positively or negatively of the movie?

answer:This review thought negatively of the movie. It criticizes the movie's pacing, plot structure, and lack of mystery, and considers it a weak imitation of more successful films, such as Cat People. The reviewer also highlights the inconsequential storyline and ineffective attempts at suspense. Overall, the review paints the movie as a disappointing and poorly executed film.

question:În sfârșit, colegii mei deputați tocmai au ridicat această problemă, lacunele din actualul mecanism de dezvoltare curată care sunt, de asemenea, de prezentat, sunt și mai controversate. Translate to English

answer:Finally, my fellow members of parliament just brought up this issue, the gaps in the current clean development mechanism which are also being presented, are even more controversial. So, imagine this like some friends who are working together to make things better and cleaner. They're talking about some problems in their big plan, which makes other people disagree a lot.

question:Generate a short summary this sentence: russian forces killed a suspected senior rebel figure in the troubled southern region of dagestan on saturday , bringing to an end a large-scale security operation launched a day earlier , officials said . Summary:

answer:On Saturday, Russian forces stopped a big, important rebel leader in a place called Dagestan, making the area safer.

question:Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two sentences. Your task is to classify the given sentences as "Yes" if they have same meaning; otherwise, classify them as "No". Problem:Sentence-1: My flight is Monday morning.<sep>Sentence-2: I am staying for the weekend . Solution:


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