question:Mandarin is a group of related varieties of Chinese spoken across most of northern and southwestern China. The group includes the Beijing dialect, the basis of Standard Mandarin or Standard Chinese. Because most Mandarin dialects are found in the north, the group is sometimes referred to as the Northern dialects (). Many local Mandarin varieties are not mutually intelligible. Nevertheless, Mandarin is often placed first in lists of languages by number of native speakers (with nearly a billion). Mandarin is by far the largest of the seven or ten Chinese dialect groups, with 70 percent of Chinese speakers and a huge area stretching from Yunnan in the southwest to Xinjiang in the northwest and Heilongjiang in the northeast. This is attributed to the greater ease of travel and communication in the North China Plain compared to the more mountainous south, combined with the relatively recent spread of Mandarin to frontier areas. Most Mandarin varieties have four tones. The final stops of Middle Chinese have disappeared in most of these varieties, but some have merged them as a final glottal stop. Many Mandarin varieties, including the Beijing dialect, retain retroflex initial consonants, which have been lost in southern dialect groups. The capital has been within the Mandarin area for most of the last millennium, making these dialects very influential. Some form of Mandarin has served as a national lingua franca since the 14th century. In the early 20th century, a standard form based on the Beijing dialect, with elements from other Mandarin dialects, was adopted as the national language. Standard Chinese is the official language of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan and one of the four official languages of Singapore. It is used as one of the working languages of the United Nations. It is also one of the most frequently used varieties of Chinese among Chinese diaspora communities internationally. Based on the article and the following list of answers, write a list of questions. 1. a group of related varieties of Chinese 2. Yes 3. by far the largest of the seven or ten Chinese dialect groups 4. Most Mandarin varieties have four tones 5. Mandarin 6. Standard Chinese 7. seven or ten 8. No 9. most of the last millennium 10. unknown
answer:1. What is Mandarin in the context of the Chinese language? 2. Are many local Mandarin varieties not mutually intelligible? 3. How does the Mandarin dialect group compare in size to other Chinese dialect groups? 4. How many tones do most Mandarin varieties have? 5. Which language is the largest among Chinese dialects and often placed first in lists of languages by the number of native speakers? 6. What is the national language based on the Beijing dialect and elements from other Mandarin dialects? 7. How many Chinese dialect groups are there in total? 8. Is Mandarin mutually intelligible with all southern dialect groups? 9. For how long has the capital been within the Mandarin area, making these dialects influential? 10. What is the extent of Mandarin's influence on Chinese diaspora communities internationally?
question:In the first instance, of course, responsibility lies with the Commission, the European Investment Bank and other partners in this story. Translate to German
answer:In der ersten Instanz liegt die Verantwortung natürlich bei der Kommission, der Europäischen Investitionsbank und anderen Partnern in dieser Geschichte. Step-by-step translation: 1. In the first instance, - In der ersten Instanz, 2. of course, - natürlich, 3. responsibility lies - die Verantwortung liegt 4. with the Commission, - bei der Kommission, 5. the European Investment Bank - der Europäischen Investitionsbank 6. and other partners - und anderen Partnern 7. in this story. - in dieser Geschichte. Justification: I translated the sentence while maintaining the original meaning and structure. I used appropriate German vocabulary and grammar to convey the exact message of the original English sentence.
question:First question: Who will win in Pakistan vs Ireland in the 2015 Cricket World Cup? Second question: Who will win the 2015 Cricket World Cup final? Are these two questions asking the same thing?
answer:To answer the first question, I will need to look for historical data and any relevant information on the match between Pakistan and Ireland in the 2015 Cricket World Cup: Step 1: Search for the results of the Pakistan vs Ireland match in the 2015 Cricket World Cup. Step 2: Present the winning team. Upon searching, the match between Pakistan and Ireland occurred on March 15, 2015, during the 2015 Cricket World Cup. Pakistan won the match by 7 wickets. To answer the second question, I again need to search for historical data: Step 1: Search for the results of the 2015 Cricket World Cup Final. Step 2: Present the winning team. Upon searching, the 2015 Cricket World Cup Final was held on March 29, 2015, where Australia defeated New Zealand to win the championship. To answer the third question, whether these two questions are asking the same thing: Compare the subjects and context of the two questions. The first question refers to a specific match during the 2015 Cricket World Cup (Pakistan vs Ireland). The second question refers to the overall outcome of the tournament (2015 Cricket World Cup final). These two questions are not the same. They ask about different matches within the same tournament.
question:Translate to Romanian: Latvia was perhaps the first to undergo all this hardship, which was caused by the activities of the banks. Romanian:
answer:Letonia a fost, probabil, prima care a trecut prin toate aceste greutăți, care au fost cauzate de activitățile băncilor.