question:The Turkish Sultan appointed Yuri Khmelnitsky Hetman of the Right-bank Ukraine, who had been the Sultan's prisoner at that time. In July 1677, the Sultan ordered his army under the command of Ibrahim Pasha to advance towards Chyhyryn. July 30 1677 at the fortress appeared advanced detachments, and on August 3 - the main forces of the Turks. Samoilovich and Grigory Romodanovsky's forces joined on August 10, and only on August 24 they crossed the Sula River on the way to Chigirin. On August 26-27, a skirmish between their and Ottoman troops removed Ottoman observation posts and allowed the rest of the Muscovite and Ukrainian forces to cross the river under the cover of artillery fire. Turkish attempts to drop back into the river the first crossing detachment under the command of Major-General Shepelev were repulsed. Muscovite and Ukrainian cavalry attacked and overwhelmed Turkish-Tatar army camp, on the August 28, inflicting heavy casualties. The following day, Ibrahim Pasha lifted the siege of Chyhyryn and hastily retreated to the Inhul River and beyond. Samoilovich and Grigory Romodanovsky relieved Chyhyryn on September 5. The Ottoman Army had lost 20,000 men and Ibrahim was imprisoned upon his return to Constantinople and Crimean Khan Selim I Giray lost his throne. Answer this question based on the article: How many days passed between the appearance of advanced detachments and the arrival of the main forces of the Turks?
answer:Based on the article, the advanced detachments appeared at the fortress on July 30, 1677, and the main forces of the Turks arrived on August 3, 1677. To find out how many days passed between these two dates, let's calculate the difference: August 3 (arrival of the main forces) - July 30 (appearance of advanced detachments) = 3 days (August 1, 2, and 3) So, 3 days passed between the appearance of advanced detachments and the arrival of the main forces of the Turks.
question:Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: It's not uncommon for music videos to get us moving, but sometimes artists go the extra mile and actually set their videos smack dab in the middle of the gym. And just because we know you're dying to keep that summer workout regimen going strong all year round, we're bringing you 13 of the best workout music videos, right here on Listed. Hypothesis: It is not not common for recording to accompany music gets people flexing their muscles to get their body parts from one place to another Choices: + Yes. + It's impossible to say. + No.
answer:The correct choice is: No. Let's justify the steps to this conclusion: 1. First, let's understand the context. The context talks about music videos that featuring workouts or gym settings. It also mentions the motivation to keep a workout regimen going all year around. 2. Then, let's look at the hypothesis. The hypothesis talks about recordings accompanying music that helps people "flexing their muscles to get their body parts from one place to another." This phrase seems to be referring to exercising or working out. 3. Comparing the hypothesis with the context, it's clear they're related, as both speak about music and exercise. HOWEVER, the context does not explicitly support the hypothesis. It doesn't mention music accompanying physical movements specifically. 4. So, the context doesn't provide enough evidence to support the hypothesis. Therefore, our choice is "No" because the context does not support the hypothesis.
question:Question: Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : The main law is the law of superposition. This law states that deeper rock layers are older than layers closer to the surface. Question: Rocks that are buried deep underground are newer or older than rocks on the surface? Answer:
answer:Rocks that are buried deep underground are older than rocks on the surface.
question:If you use the product-oriented approach, you must also ensure continual improvement of the product, seen in a life cycle perspective. Please remove spaces between words.
answer:The product-oriented approach means focusing on making the product better throughout its life, from start to finish. It's like looking after a toy car - you want to make sure it works well, looks nice, and is fun to play with for a long time. You also want to keep making it better by fixing any problems or adding new features. So, you always look for ways to improve the toy car in every stage of its life.