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question:Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: What is the name of the caretakers? Title: The Haunting Movie plot: The film opens with narration over a silhouette of Hill House at night. The narrator, Dr. John Markway (Richard Johnson) tells us, "An evil old house, the kind some people call haunted is like an undiscovered country waiting to be explored. Hill House had stood for 90 years and might stand for 90 more. Silence lay steadily against the wood and stone of Hill House. Whatever walked there walked alone." Title and credits follow, then narration continues, "Scandal, murder, insanity, suicide: The history of Hill House was ideal. It had everything I wanted..." The house was built in New England by a man named Hugh Crain for his wife and young daughter. A horse and carriage accident took the life of the first Mrs. Crain (an uncredited Pamela Buckley) before she even saw the house. Hugh Crain (an uncredited Howard Lang) and young daughter, Abigail (an uncredited Janet Mansell) said a few words over the body, but Hugh was left an embittered man. Crain married again, and the second Mrs. Crain (an uncredited Freda Knorr) also died, falling down the main staircase. Hugh Crain left Abigail with a nurse (an uncredited Susan Richards) and went to England where he died in a drowning accident. Abigail kept the same nursery room her entire life. By the time she was eighty (an uncredited Amy Dalby) she was a bedridden invalid. Her nurse-companion (an uncredited Rosemary Dorken) was a local girl and, it is with this young companion the evil reputation of Hill House really begins. The old lady died while calling for help. The companion was trysting on the verandah with a farm hand. The companion inherited Hill House and occupied it for many years, but eventually hanged herself. The house then passed to a distant relative, named Mrs. Sanderson (Fay Compton).Markway visits Mrs. Sanderson where he convinces her to let him use the house for psychic research. He explains, "I shall occupy the house with a group of carefully selected assistants...I must have specially qualified help to take notes and document any evidence of the... A:

answer:Can't answer

question:Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: Mayor Boris Johnson Monday outlined plans to make London "the cleanest, greenest city on Earth" by the 2012 Olympics and called for commitments from other world cities at a climate change conference, leaders of the world' s 40 largest cities are meeting in Seoul this week for a summit on combating global warming -- the third to be held since 2005. "What we should do in Seoul is agree that we will stop the endless addiction of mankind to the internal combustion engine ," said Johnson. He said at a press conference the world's cities consume 75 percent of the world's energy and produce 80 percent of the emissions which cause climate change. "The problem of our planet is an urban problem," Johnson said. He said the British capital wants to use the Olympics "to drive the greening and the improvement of our city" and noted that London is committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by 2025. Johnson said the key measure was being taken to solve problems relating to housing and commercial buildings, which accounted for 70 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in London. This involved retrofitting -- installing lagging -- in large numbers of public buildings. Johnson proclaimed himself a "passionate cyclist" and said he would push ahead with cycle superhighways around London. London's air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle emissions from 8,300 worn and used diesel buses, which could be replaced by low-carbon vehicles. In addition, there were also 32,000 taxis running on diesel fuel, which could be replaced by electric vehicles. Johnson said there would be a few programs in the next few years to produce a "cleaner, greener" bus for the city. "The age of the diesel bus has got to be over in London." Options: A climate change B global warming C London Olympics in 2012 D green environment Answer: B global warming Question: Answer:

answer:Question: What topic was the main focus of the climate change conference attended by leaders of the world's 40 largest cities in Seoul? A) Climate change B) Global warming C) London Olympics in 2012 D) Green environment Answer: B) Global warming

question:Äänestysselityksemme pätee tulevaisuudessa siis myös muissa samankaltaisissa tapauksissa. Which language is this?

answer:The given text is in Finnish. The sentence "Äänestysselityksemme pätee tulevaisuudessa siis myös muissa samankaltaisissa tapauksissa." translates to "Our voting rationale will also apply in the future in other similar cases." in English.

question:The first narrative account of Arthur's life is found in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin work Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), completed c. 1138. This work is an imaginative and fanciful account of British kings from the legendary Trojan exile Brutus to the 7th-century Welsh king Cadwallader. Geoffrey places Arthur in the same post-Roman period as do Historia Brittonum and Annales Cambriae. He incorporates Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, his magician advisor Merlin, and the story of Arthur's conception, in which Uther, disguised as his enemy Gorlois by Merlin's magic, sleeps with Gorlois's wife Igerna at Tintagel, and she conceives Arthur. On Uther's death, the fifteen-year-old Arthur succeeds him as King of Britain and fights a series of battles, similar to those in the Historia Brittonum, culminating in the Battle of Bath. He then defeats the Picts and Scots before creating an Arthurian empire through his conquests of Ireland, Iceland and the Orkney Islands. After twelve years of peace, Arthur sets out to expand his empire once more, taking control of Norway, Denmark and Gaul. Gaul is still held by the Roman Empire when it is conquered, and Arthur's victory naturally leads to a further confrontation between his empire and Rome's. Arthur and his warriors, including Kaius (Kay), Beduerus (Bedivere) and Gualguanus (Gawain), defeat the Roman emperor Lucius Tiberius in Gaul but, as he prepares to march on Rome, Arthur hears that his nephew Modredus (Mordred) -- whom he had left in charge of Britain -- has married his wife Guenhuuara (Guinevere) and seized the throne. Arthur returns to Britain and defeats and kills Modredus on the river Camblam in Cornwall, but he is mortally wounded. He hands the crown to his kinsman Constantine and is taken to the isle of Avalon to be healed of his wounds, never to be seen again. Based on this passage, who wrote the first book about king arthur? Let's think fast. Stream of consciousness:

answer:The first narrative account of Arthur's life is found in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Latin work Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), which was completed around 1138. This imaginative and fanciful account covers British kings from the legendary Trojan exile Brutus to the 7th-century Welsh king Cadwallader. Geoffrey of Monmouth is credited with writing the first book about King Arthur. In his work, he introduces many elements later associated with the Arthurian legend, such as Arthur's father Uther Pendragon, the magician advisor Merlin, and the conception story involving Uther and Igerna at Tintagel.

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